what is Aspire Kumari?

Aspire Kumari is an initiative by the District Administration of Kanniyakumari which aligned to the ideals of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayaas” to build an Aatmanirbhar Bharat (Self-reliant India) for inclusive development and the collective efforts of all sections of society through process Innovation.The main focus of Aspire Kumari is to empower women, youth, and people from marginalized communities of the Kanniyakumari district.

why you should choose us?

MADEINKUMARI is an online platform dedicated to supporting rural artisans and underprivileged women. We work alongside with the Mahalir Mathi organization to bring you their unique creations. This helps these women earn a living, thanks to your support. We have the backing of the Kanyakumari District Administration and the Government of Tamil Nadu, making us a trustworthy choice for your online shopping needs.

  • Rahul N (Project Lead)

    This platform is a positive step towards change, let's uplift our community by supporting our local people and their valuable products.

  • Gigin Durai C (Project Associate)

    These products are crafted by our own people. It's our duty to support them and preserve our heritage  and culture.